
Archive for January, 2011

Yeah. I Made That. Part 2.

So, after I got all handy with Charlotte’s chalkboard table I felt pretty smug and decided to take on her little dresser. Yet another hand-me-down from my Grandmother’s house after she moved into her nursing home, it was bland and cheap looking and just icky. Don’t mind my horrible “before” picture….her room wasn’t even close to being complete. Oh, I decided to take the before picture after I already started painting, but the drawers are still the original ugly wood. So you get the idea.

I’d never done anything like this before but after seeing John & Sherry’s dresser re-do for baby Clara, I felt inspired. So I dove in. Primer, paint and veneer when you’re super prego…probably not highly recommended…but I made do. The worst part was getting the chevron pattern on the top like I wanted. Blue painters tape was the key (after failing miserably at trying to cut a stencil). In the end it turned out pretty great and I was proud of myself for making something for Charlotte that she can have in her room for awhile.

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No, i’m not bragging about my kids. Although I am super awesome for making them too. But in this instance I’m referring to my little attempt at DIYing something for Charlotte’s room. And there were a bunch of little components to her room and it’s still not complete because…um…I had another baby and feeling fat and useless and like I’ve taken NyQuil all the time isn’t conducive to getting all the shit done that I have planned.


Little project #1 — Charlotte’s Chalkboard Table

First of all, the whole shebang was my Mom’s when she was little, and my Grandfather made it by hand. Then of course it was passed down to me when I was little and then I grew up to be a completely manageable and obedient teenager and decided the family heirloom really needed a decoupage makeover with all my favorite (at the time — don’t shun me) band CD covers. I rocked. Can’t you tell? So, fast forward 15 years and I once again have the table and chairs (and shame) and want to give them to my daughter. Honestly, I researched removing the decoupage and it sounded harder than I was ready for at 8 months pregnant, so I decided to cover it in fabric. But not just ANY fabric — Chalkboard fabric! Genius right?!

I don’t honestly think I came up with anything new here — but for the cost of a can of bright turquoise spray paint ($5) and a yard of chalkcloth ($10) I had a table that entertains her for hours! All I did was spray paint it and let it dry overnight and then stapled the chalkcloth to it with heavy duty staples. Follow the instructions for “curing” the chalkcloth and your done. Easy peasy.

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